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ACTMD - Association Canadienne des thérapeutes en Médecines Douces
CATCM - Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine

ACDM - Association Canadienne des Massothérapeutes  et Autres thérapeutes en Médecines Alternatives

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Dear Members:

When I began forming the Association Canadienne des Thérapeutes en Médecines Douces ACTMD (ACDM) in 2002, the purpose was to assist professionals which had few resources or support on behalf of their association.

Conscious of the needs of my peers, I decided to launch the Association backed by a solid team of professionals, ready to dedicate themselves to the efforts required.

The goal of the Association is to be supportive to its members and to offer to the public, a professional service.

The Association is there to help you so why not let yourself be known by submitting an article that we can post on the websiste and in our Passion for Health journal!

As unity is strength,it is while regrouping that we will succeed in making our profession a respected one.

Jocelyn Vincent,





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