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NETWORKING (1st part):
by Francine Audet M.A., translated by ACTMD's team

Here is the first article of a series on this subject.

What is networking & why do we network
First and foremost, it is a way to simplify one's life.  Further, it is a process in which one can take great pleasure!  But, be careful, as it is not because we know a lot of people that we have a network.  Networking is based on a reciprocal relationship, credible, of trust, of proficiency.  Networking favours the multiplication of business opportunities.  It is a tool, a reason to  be and to do, almost indispensable for the autonomous worker.  While favouring the meeting of future clients, it permits one to be up to date on the competition as well as on the stakes and tendencies in one's activity sector.  Networking permits the autonomous worker to establish professional relationships in a deliberate, strategic, thoughtful and honest professional relationships, which will allow himself to be known.  While networking, it is important to let others know what you know, who you know but mostly to know who knows you!  You do not have only one network but many.  By these networks, you have  a distribution tool that increases tenfold your communication efforts.  

As well, the size, efficiency and mutual benefits of your network contributes in proportion to your enterprise.

Networking answers many objectives:  amongst other things, it permits the facilitation and the multiplication of business relationships, it helps you to be known, increase your clientele, breaks isolation, obtain references, share passions, create partnerships, keep up to date on tendencies in your activity sector, to know your competition.


to be continued…





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