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Literary search and editing by CATCM's team

The theory.
If you take the essence of the Indian Ayurvedic massage and the best of the Lomi Lomi, an ancestral technique of Hawaiian massage, you obtain two hours of absolute well-being. And it is a German mark, Biodroga, which developed this delight. The Ayurveda, one knows a little about it, but the Lomi Lomi? This massage technique used formerly by the Kahunas, the healers of Oceania, imitates the rhythmic movements of the Hawaiian's dances. Soft and powerful at the same time, it gets an intense feeling of relaxation. On the condition of liking oil…

The practice.
Incense, music… The care begins with respiratory exercises and a questionnaire that determines your dosha, i.e. the type of energy that governs you. Once you are lengthened on a thermal blanket already oiled, the therapist moves on with the shirodhara, this strange technique of Ayurvedic medicine, where a continuous drop of oil flows on your forehead. Then follows of a long massage of the head, ears and face. Then the Lomi Lomi comes, where it surf on your body abundantly oiled with its hands, its elbows and its forearm, malaxes you and stretches you from feet to head before wrapping you with aromatic herbs. At this time, one does not know any more very well one's name…





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