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ACTMD - Association Canadienne des thérapeutes en Médecines Douces
CATCM - Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine

ACDM - Association Canadienne des Massothérapeutes  et Autres thérapeutes en Médecines Alternatives

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Sending Membership application files via Internet




We offer a simple method to forward your documents when applying for membership:

By Internet

As mailboxes are limited in the amount of information that you can attach, we ask to use a small procedure.  Explanations of this tool are detailed in the procedures to follow.

It is important for you to note that the Evaluation Committee does not look at any application, which is incomplete, or one that is paid by other than a credit card.

For your security, we recommend that you do not include the last four numbers of your card as well as the expiration date.

Once we have received your application, we will call you back to request for the missing numbers from the original mailing.

Then, your documents will be transferred to the Evaluation Committee.

Procedures for sending documents: 

1.  Prepare all documents that you will require for your membership i.e., attestations, school reports, photo, etc.

2.  Prepare your documents in PDF or JPG format (a 300dpi resolution is sufficient)

3- With your email tools, attach all your documents and send it to:

PS: Because our email mailbox is limited to 10Meg by email, be carefull to don't exceed this limit. If you can't, just send many emails with the mention "1 of x", "2 of x"... to simplify the creation of your files

And that is it.





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