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  ACTMD - Association Canadienne des thérapeutes en Médecines Douces
CATCM - Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine

ACDM - Association Canadienne des Massothérapeutes  et Autres thérapeutes en Médecines Alternatives

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Public  information



Corporation des Praticiens en médecines Douces du Québec
So called
Commission des Praticiens en Médecine Douce du Québec

IMPORTANT MATTER  (September, 2005)

It was brought to our attention that the CPMDQ enumerates on its Web site a list of associations in alternative medicine by leading the public to believe t of the incompetence of its competitors. It should be understood that it can be normal for certain associations to fear the competition and not to recognize their competence.

We suggest that you consult the following sites or other sources which you will be able to find, for information  allowing  you to draw your own conclusions.

Enterprise register
Roll number (NEQ) of the CPMDQ: 1144361434

Association's comparative table
It is of your responsibility to assure yourself that an association is serious, that it respects a code of ethics and to verify that an association has a good reputation by doing your own investigation






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