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  ACTMD - Association Canadienne des thérapeutes en Médecines Douces
CATCM - Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine

ACDM - Association Canadienne des Massothérapeutes  et Autres thérapeutes en Médecines Alternatives

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Important Notice (september 2003)

It has been bring to our attention that certains associations of massage therapist obliged their members some confidentials nominatives informations relating to their clients by asking them to forward some documents on them. It means that certains personals informations like: your name, address, type of treatment may be found at everybody's sight.

This kind of schemes is a violation of the article 37 of the Civil Code
" Every person who establishes a file on another person shall have a serious and legitimate reason for doing so. He may gather only information which is relevant to the stated objective of the file, and may not, without the consent of the person concerned or authorization by law, communicate such information to third persons or use it for purposes that are inconsistent with the purposes for which the file was established. In addition, he may not, when establishing or using the file, otherwise invade the privacy or damage the reputation of the person concerned. (1991, c. 64, a. 37.)"

It is your responsibility to assure yourself that the massage therapist who's treating you respect a strict professional code of ethics that compel him to protect the information concerning yourself, such as your file, copy of the receipts he gave you etc.

It is precisely to protect the population against that kind of blunder that the Association Canadienne des Massothérapeutes has a whole section included in its professional code of ethics on that matter (Chapt. 6-Confidentiality- art. 27 to 32 & art. 45 ) that must be scrupulously followed







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